Inspiration for 2023 Journeys. Amankora in The Happiest Country.

When a friend shares a video of a Sahara sunset with the Call to Prayer resonating in the background, I immediately want to pack my bags and escape! An ethereal sound draws me back to my many Moroccan memories.

Where to go 2023? Snippets from some of my most memorable Journeys. Bhutan, after our dreadful lockdowns and slow start to travel, imagine visiting The Happiest Country – What You Need Now!

Nothing prepared me for my Journey to this tiny Himalayan country, memories still wash over me in waves. Staying in five individual Amankora properties, meeting gentle and kind locals, hiking through mountain landscapes unlike any other, dining on local delicious delicacies, wandering through colorful ancient temples, and learning Bhutanese customs. Paro landing is a thrill, the plane needles a path through the narrow craggy mountain pass that only 12 pilots are licensed to fly, the majesty of the Himalayan Mountain landscape may be your first impression. The most welcoming kind people, a religious ceremony or dance almost every day, encounters with Nomads and their ponies who winter below the highest peaks.  An Aman Journey to encompass all five resorts over 10 – 12 days.

Arrows & Alcohol in Bhutan. When passing through a Bhutanese village, say on a Saturday morning, do keep a look out for local villagers competing in field archery matches. Archers gather under a colorful flag draped canopy; half of each team shoots, while those not shooting, mingle and praise their teammates and boisterously jeer the opposing team. It’s an animated competition, players dressed in their traditional robes or Gho and knee-high black socks. The handsome archers bedecked in brilliantly tinted scarves attract admiration as the vibrant scarves denote their prowess and proficiency.

Dinner in a Potato Shed- I’ll never forget this amazing dinner in Bhutan!

Advance planning is necessary to visit the Kingdom of Happiness, but of course you knew Happiness is not instantly achieved! Highly Recommend and we would love to introduce you to our Bhutan teams.

Arrows & Alcohol in Bhutan

When passing through a Bhutanese village, say on a Saturday morning, do keep a look out for local villagers competing in field archery matches. Archers gather under a colorful flag draped canopy; half of each team shoots, while those not shooting, mingle and praise their teammates and boisterously jeer the opposing team. It’s an animated competition, players dressed in their traditional robes or Gho and knee-high black socks. The handsome archers bedecked in brilliantly tinted scarves attract admiration as the vibrant scarves denote their prowess and proficiency.

Archery is a traditional Saturday Bhutanese activity, enjoyed mostly by men at local archery clubs, situated in open fields flanked by tall trees. Dogs doze warmed by the sun and wait for delicacies. Conventional bamboo bows and arrows have been updated with carbon fiberglass bows. The brightly painted target is set low at a massive distance, close to one and a half football fields, I couldn’t even see the small target from the shooters line. Almost every village in Bhutan has a field dedicated to archery.

Archery or Dha, is the national sport of Bhutan and if you visit and stay at the highly regarded Amankora Lodges, you can definitely count on a few spirited matches with your guides and hotel staff.  We played with traditional bamboo bow and arrows and a much shorter target range. Archery is a calming sport, particularly improved by sipping small wooden cups of Ara, a potent distilled rice liquor.

Boisterous competitions are an age-old custom, with cheering and group dances performed every time an archer hits the wooden target. Archery is woven into the fabric of the tiny Himalayan Kingdom. Men gather at their small clubs to enjoy a Saturday of drinking and arrows and camaraderie. Competition is ferocious, and a very brilliantly festooned archer told me whiskey actually improves his aim. I asked if their wives care if they hang out at the filed all day, they responded with a cheer and a toast!

Decorated Bumthang Archer
Why yes, I would love to practice the ancient art – where is the target?
Gracious archers offered me a cup of Ara and a biscuit.
The archery field is within walking distance of Amankora Bumthang Lodge

I was offered a traditional drink, but not a bow, however, I was invited by the most decorated archer to photograph him during his turn. A gift in itself.

Target Size 476 feet away!
A lazy Bumthang Saturday at the Archery Field
Song and chant encouragement.