YOLO – You Only Live Once

When your knees reach a certain age, as in seemingly older than one’s youthful spirit, it’s time to begin seeking adventure at resorts and lodges and far flung locations offering once in a life time experiences…

Dian Fossey’s book set in Rwanda was depicted in the film Gorillas in the Mist, in Rwanda; it has been my lifelong dream to trek and sit with gorillas. Three nights at Volcanoes Lodge outside Kigali will satisfy this yearning. My knees have endured rigorous months of sessions with a personal trainer, it’s now or never!

http://s1055704.instanturl.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Clouds-mother-baby-gorilla.jpg Keep your eye on my blog posts and my Facebook updates for up close and personal with experiences Gorillas – soon…by way of Oman & Dubai for a whirlwind tour of the most divine five star hotels…including my para-glide arrival on the beach at Six Senses Resort in Zighy Bay, Oman…

YOLO should be your new mantra!

Hollywood Reporter Mention

Wow, thrilled to be mentioned in the Hollywood Reporter, posted by esteemed editor and writer Lesley McKenzie.  “How Hollywood’s Elite Staff Up At Home.”

CONCIERGE L.A. 14 get-anything, do-everything, ultra-VIP fixers cater to every whim of the uber-wealthy. By Lesley McKenzie

Atherton, Calif.-based travel concierge Gwen Books of Gwen Books Lifestyle Management has been custom-tailoring holidays for her Silicon Valley-heavy client list since 2004. The most luxurious was a million-dollar vacation, which included two weeks on a superyacht.

Says longtime client and Netflix CEO Reed Hastings of a recent excursion: “We arrived by boat at the Four Seasons Hotel Istanbul at the Bosporus from the airport in Istanbul. Splendid traffic-beating ride.”

Adds Books: “We never say no.” gwenbooks.com


October 9, 2015.