Tangier Treasures, Where To Shop!

Camel Caravan Three had very specific goals: discover more old city Communal Ovens, meet basket weavers, photograph ancient communal water fountains and of course, browsing antiquarian shops and track down an exclusive cape boutique in Marrakech! The Tangier days of writers and poets and the Rolling Stones have filled tomes… Jack Kerouac, William S. Burroughs, Allen Ginsberg, Tennessee Williams, Truman Capote traveled and luxuriated in the 1950s and 1960s. If you haven’t begun your memoir on The Art of Living, you may want to contemplate a sojourn in Tangier.

Tangier, a city located at the northern tip of Morocco, is a captivating fusion of North African, Spanish, Portuguese, and French influences, making it a true crossroads of cultures with a rich Jewish heritage. Tangier medina, by Medina standards, has been restored and updated, it’s still a maze of shops, but the lack of motorbikes and fewer mules trotting the maze of alleyways make exploring a bit more civilized, still a mesmerizing array of goods, but you won’t feel trampled or run over!

The souk of straw weavers apparently closed after Covid, there was a small, scruffy block of shops opening after my departure, my initial disappointment was abated by our amazing guide, Mohammed. A former schoolteacher of history, we were immediately, Simpatico. Mustapha had resourced the brilliant Mohammed, he expressed my extreme disappointment on the straw weavers and shared my other interests…In Marrakech, just behind the Jenaa El Fna square, pass the snake charmers, spice vendors and street vendors, you will find a courtyard of straw weavers with every type of basket, placemats, bottle covers, a plethora of hand made straw objects. Every Wish must be Rewarded!

A short block of shops in Rue de la Liberte, across from the oldest hotel in Tangier produced delighted smiles. I planned to peek inside this famed historic hotel, and the two shops, owned by brothers, on my list, Galerie Tindouf and Bazar Tindouf were across the street.

Bazar Tindouf is in an ancient building which once housed the oldest Jewish bank in Tangier, black and white marble floors are visible, a maze of room upon rooms upstairs and hidden downstairs, holds many secrets. Galerie Tindoff is piled with Moroccan textiles, rarefied art, china and glassware – prepare to be overwhelmed and dusty by the glorious selection!

Mohammed advised me on the provenance of many paintings and steered me away from any non-Moroccan objects. The Galerie is a bit more organized; the Bazar is exactly as it sounds…think multiple floors, hallways piled with Spanish Art Nouveau tiles, small cavern like rooms crammed with pottery, textiles, silver, leather bags… I now know where the fabulous El Fenn finds their beautiful décor. I could have filled a crate. If you’ve perused Umberto Pasti’s beautiful architectural books on his Moroccan homes, you will be familiar with these decadent objects.

Poor Mustapha waits patiently while I rapturously poke through piles of vintage Berber jewelry and dust off antique silver objects. Besides a wonderful African beaded object – also seen at El Fenn, I uncovered an enormous silver ring with a carnelian intaglio surface of etched Arabic figures. Centuries before longhand, signet rings were the first tool nobility and aristocracy used to seal their names on letters and documents. Mohammed assisted in my bargaining, the well known owner is very knowledgeable and kind!

The venerable, El Minzah Hotel, across the street, is a historic location, once the top hotel in Tangier, was a favorite hotel of many dignitaries, politicians, and Hollywood stars. Its architecture, fountains and orange trees create a charming atmosphere. Pop in for an afternoon mint tea, soak in the sunshine and enjoy clear views of the Gibraltar Strait and the coast of Spain from the garden terrace. A refreshing sit down after treasure hunting! The Bazar owner’s daughter has a contemporary gallery closer to the medina.

Kasbah Collective. Opened in 2021, Kasbah Collective mixes Moroccan crafts and textiles, fashion, and homewares – hip and chic. Kasbah Collective is more than just a concept store and gallery nestled in Tangier’s emerging, vibrant neighborhood. Their statement of purpose: a haven of curated beauty and art, a dynamic space standing proudly at the intersection of Bab el Kasbah and Rue Kacem Geunnoun. Their mission: to champion authentic artistry and conscious consumption, bridging the gap between local artisans.

Boutique Majid. Opened in 1970, the three story, Boutique Majid, is much more than just an antique boutique. It is a rare and informed collection of textiles and jewelry, silk, and glass, be prepared to delve into the deep histories of Tangier and Morocco. Carpets stacked to the ceiling; the treasures can be overwhelming! Owned by the legendary and knowledgeable, Abdelmajid Rais El Fenni, this boutique reflects travelling and exploring with passion.

Las Chicas. Just outside the old Medina walls, the two-story shop named Las Chicas after the two innovative women who opened the first concept store in Tangier. Shop till you drop here and visit the tearoom cafe for a respite! Elegant and colorful lanterns and candles, pillows and blankets, vintage jewelry, brilliant hued kaftans, tassels, and woven leather handbags.

Madini Fragrance. Where else can you find the heavenly scent of orange blossoms, dates, and jasmine oils? Tangier in a bottle of oil, recreate the experience when you are home.  Near the Café de Paris.

Topolina. Just down a narrow passageway from my dining favorite El Morocco Club café, you will find a whitewashed building with a hot pink interior! The owner, French designer Isabelle Topolina, is passionate about color! You’ll find fun fabrics, a collection of vintage fabrics in clothes for men and women. The Tangier outpost consists of three small rooms bursting with exuberant hues and quirky fashions. 

Reading List Tangier An inspired collection to inspire your Journey!

Saffron Secrets. Saffron is an Aphrodisiac, who knew?!

Upcoming Moroccan Camel Caravan on my horizon, adding to my Moroccan Story. I’m always looking for interesting activities for myself and our clients. I’m addicted to Moroccan spice souks; actually, any spice vendor is a travel temptation. My recent brief Mediterranean @SeaDream yacht adventure provided a visit to tiny Lipari Island, wandering the narrow cobblestone streets, from the Marina Corte along the via Garibaldi, walk up the hill of colorfully decorated homes. Loop back around by way of via del Corso Emmanue. I discovered a little vegetable shop – and voila, dried spices, stuffed bags of fragrant oregano! A generous handful will improve a homemade spaghetti sauce or enhance an oregano flecked pasta.

Saffron is one of Morocco’s leading exports. The Arabs brought Saffron to the kingdom of Morocco around the 10th century. My first visit to an organic saffron farm is on my schedule. The small farm grows ISO certified Class 1 Saffron, known as red gold, due to the high value.

Saffron is valued for its varied uses – from being a gourmet ingredient to being an aphrodisiac, who knew? Being the most expensive spice in the world, hopefully a small dose will stimulate amour!

Although it’s grown in only a few regions throughout the country, it’s sold in the spice markets. Taliouine, a little mountain village in the south of Morocco, and the Ourika Valley at the foot of the Atlas Mountains near Marrakech are two well-known regions where saffron crocuses grow. Taliouine itself is small – just under 6,000 people – but produces more saffron than any other place in Africa. Every November, a festival is held at harvest time and people from around the world come to watch and celebrate. Count me in!

In Morocco the saffron is harvested between October through December whenever the six-petalled flowers appear. During this time, the local Berber women start picking the flowers at dawn. Picking the flowers in early morning ensures that the unique compounds within the filaments are preserved. The bees love the pollen in the saffron flowers and jostle with the pickers for access to the flowers. Which is why after the stigmas have been removed, the local farm will leave the flowers outside for the bees to collect the remaining pollen.

As soon as a picker’s basket is full of flowers, they are taken to the processing room where the three precious red filaments – or stigmas – are carefully detached from the stem. The red filaments are dried in a dehydrator and subsequently lose 80% of their weight, so for every 100 grams of saffron filaments harvested, only 20 grams of dry saffron will remain.

Saffron can only be harvested and processed by hand as its petals must be peeled away gently to collect the delicate saffron threads. Consequently, an ounce of saffron is valued at more than an ounce of gold.

In ancient Persia saffron threads were woven into textiles, ritually offered to divinities, and used in dyes, perfumes, medicines, and body baths. Saffron threads were scattered across beds on the wedding night of newlywed couples, who were also offered saffron powder in hot milk as an aphrodisiac.

How to tell real from fake saffron? In my experience, many spice vendors aggressively peddle saffron, a complete switch off for me. In Istanbul, again at a spice market, the shop owner tried to entice me with their premium saffron. His hard sell of all products was offensive and in his thick accent, I was pretty certain he was calling me BABY, after every offering. Benjamin had given me his spice list; I held to the list and declined the saffron. When we walked out of the shop, my friend said Gwen – I think he was calling you BABY with each offering! It became our nickname for each other for the remainder of the trip! Hey Baby, are you ready for cocktails?

The Test: drop a few threads in water, real saffron slowly turns water yellow. The color change may take up to an hour. The saffron threads themselves retain their red color. If the water changes color immediately or turns red or does not change color, or if the threads lose their color, the substance is not saffron. Another test of real Saffron is the Float Test that real saffron threads do not drown when put in water.

There is even a museum dedicated to saffron, and the Moroccan Saffron Farm makes Saffron Bitters – who knew?




4 organic egg yolks
60 grams caster sugar
300 ml whole organic milk

60ml runny honey
300 ml crème fraiche
1/2 tsp saffron threads
150 grams of pistachio nuts
Soak 1/2 tsp. saffron threads in 1 tbsp of the 300ml milk

In a bowl beat the egg yolks, sugar and honey until thick and pale.

Slowly bring the milk to the boil in a saucepan and then pour over the egg yolk mixture.

Return to the saucepan and stir the mixture constantly over the heat until it forms a film on the back of a wooden spoon (Do not let it boil or it will separate)

Remove the pan from the heat, leave it to cool and then stir in the cream saffron and pistachio.

Place in an ice-cream maker to freeze.

Serve with a sprinkling of crushed pistachios.