Grateful for so much this year – the world is healing, slowly. Our clients are embracing travel once again, exploring new destinations and returning to their old favorites.
I’m particularly grateful for exploring the ancient Caravan Path in Morocco, my initial jump into this fascinating world again. An overland Journey of Nineteen Days, a Foreign Affair with this mesmerizing colorful country.
Moroccan people are warm, welcoming and extremely generous, even more so in modest communities. Never say No to Tea and be prepared to be embraced and well fed!

Thankful to our five-star team who managed my ever changing schedule and their Mustapha who kept me safe for hours on the roads, in the souks, and in the fields where I wandered to gleefully accept a baby goat from the family who owned the goats in the Argan trees! Shukran, Tanmert.

It’s not what we say about our blessings

But how we use them.
Is the true measure of our Thanksgiving.

Happy Thanksgiving!
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