MeNoSpeak Travel Language Books We Love

If we have designed a trip for you to a foreign country, chances are you have received one of our favorite language books. MeNoSpeak bridges the language gap in eight languages.

MeNoSpeak_AllBooks_smThe authors designed the books based on their extensive travel experiences: “ It all started one panicked night in a Chinese hotel room, after we were unable to purchase a train ticket or order food because no one spoke English and our Chinese was, well, nonexistent. We solved the issue with hand-drawn pictures and phrases, which we used like flashcards for the remainder of our trip. The technique was so successful, we just had to turn the idea into a book series.”

The small pocket sized books have illustrations and the appropriate words, because as we all know, you will not be able to phonetically sound out a phrase in Japanese or really decipher kanji from hiragana, katakana, or rōmaji?

Our clients generally have land team managers who assist when they need to make changes to their very scheduled days, however we feel these little books are an incentive to any traveler to communicate with locals. If you have read my blog posts, you know I am an advocate of learning at least twenty words of a local language, and communicating with locals. Meeting people away from home adds layers to any Journey, appreciating a new culture, cuisine and local manners or habits.MeNoSpeak_Japan_sm1People are also much more willing to engage with you if you learn a new language, even if it’s not perfect. It also shows great respect as a visitor. I once took Italian prior to a long adventure, my goal was to win an argument in a bar…I did save us 10 Lira for refusing to pay for the tablecloth charge! It was rewarding in more ways than the tiny fee, I felt a little more accepted by the locals.

Features Me No Speak Language Companions are divided into 6 topics, with special emphasis on food. They provide menus to help you order at restaurants that don’t offer their own in English. There is also help for vegetarians and people with food allergies.MeNoSpeak_France_smTopics: General help;Food;Transportation;Shopping;Accommodation;Health & Safety.

More than 450 point-to pictures and phrases, and 10 custom menus Me No Speak will help you eat, sleep, and get around without a hitch.

From the firm founders: We have found with other guide books and phrase books, the food options are too limited or specialized to be helpful. Having gone hungry more than once, we’ve made sure you won’t.